
Friday 31 March 2017

Benefits of Black SEED( Kalonji Oil) -Nigella Sativa(English)--Cure for everything except death

Benefits of Black Seed Oil or Black Cumin

Hazrat Abu Hurerah (R.A) says “ I have heard Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) saying that the black granules (Kalonji) is the remedy for all diseases except death.”

1)      ASTHMA, COUGH & ALLERGY : For the treatment of these diseases the following method is adopted. Take a cup of warm water, one spoon of honey and half tea spoon of Kalonji oil.  Mix this together and drink in the morning before the breakfast. Similarly after dinner in the night. Treatment for forty days .   Avoid cool food stuff.
2)      DIABETES (SUGAR):  For the treatment of these diseases the following method is  adopted. Take one cup decoction (Black tea), Mix half table spoon of kalonji oil and drink it in the morning and before going to bed.  Avoid oily food stuff, particularly fried items.  If any other allopathic treatment is going on continue it that treatment. After 20 days check the sugar, is its normal Allopathic treatment should be stopped and kalonji treatment be continued. After forty days, sweet can be taken to check the sugar level. If it’s normal stop the treatment.

3)      Heart Attack:  In a cup of goat milk add half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and us this mixture twice a day.  Avoid all fatty food items . Continue treatment for ten days. After ten days use daily once.

4)      POLIO AND PARALYSIS (Laqwa):  Take one cup of warm water, add one spoon of honey and half tea spoon kalonji oil and use this mixture twice daily and for children’s in two spoons milk add 3 drops of Kalonji oil of warm water, this mixture three times a day.  Treatment continues forty days.

5)      JOINT- PAINS AND ARTHRITIS, etc. :  Take one spoon of vinegar, add half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and mix two spoons honey, use twice a day ( In the morning before the breakfast and in the night after dinner )

6)      DYSPEPISA INDIGESTION, GASES, STOMACH IRRITATION AND STOMACH ACHE :  In this case take one spoon of Ginger juice and half tea spoon of kalonji oil and drink twice day.  This treatment is also useful for removing obesity. This medicine makes the patient slim.7)      OPTHALMIC DISEASE :  Redness of eyes, cataract, eye’s trouble, eye weakness and watering etc. Treatment- Take one cup of carrot juice mix with half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and use this mixture twice a day  ( in  the morning before breakfast and in the night after dinner) ,  Treatment many continue for forty days . Avoid Pickle, Brinjal

Eye disease & impaired vision
Rub the eyelids and the sides of the eye orbits half an hour before going to bed with black seed oil. A tablespoon of the oil should also be drunk with a cup of carrot juice. Results should be apparent in one month, insha Allaah.
      For Eye infection, Pain and Weak sight. 
      Apply Black seed oil around the eyes and on the eye lid before going to sleep.          Take half a teaspoon Black seed oil mixed with carrot juice. For weak sight continue treatment.

8)      LADIES SECRET DISEASES:  (Leucorrhoea, White Discharge, Menses discharges 2 to 4 times a month, stomach pain, back pain) Treatment – Take mint (Pudina leaves) add two glasses of water and boil, then add half tea spoon kalonji oil and drink one time in the morning before the breakfast and in the night at the morning before breakfast and in the night at the time going to bed.  Treatment may continue for forty days .  Avoid Pickles, brinjal egg and fish .9)      LADIES DISEASES:   ( Stoppage of menses for long term, stomach pain):  Take one cup of warm water add half tea spoon kalonji oil and two spoons honey one time in the morning before the breakfast and in the night after dinner.  Treatment may continue for month .  Avoid potato and Brinjal .10)   CANCER:  (Intestine cancer, Blood cancer, Throat cencer, etc.): Take one glass grape juice and half tea spoon kalonji oil and use thrice a day once in the morning before breakfast, after lunch and after dinner. Take one Kg. barley and two Kg. wheat flour, mix together, make bread (Roti) or Daliya of Harira and give to the patient.  Treatment may continue for forty days .  Avoid Potato, Arvee, Brinjal and Ambada vegetables.11)   POISONOUS VIRUS:   Take one glass warm water, add one spoon date (Khajur) powder half spoon kalonji oil and two spoons of kalonji oil and two spoons on Honey, mix together and use thrice a day once in the morning before breakfast, after lunch and after dinner.  Treatment may continue for forty days.  Avoid Potato’s, Brinjal, Pulses (Chana ki Dal), and Pulses (Masoor kid Dal).

   12)   REVITAL OF THE BODY , (Azme-e-Hali) : Take juices of Orange (Malta) add half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and use it. Laziness and tiredness will be removed.13)   MEMORY POWER:    To increase the memory power and take 10 gm. Mint (Pudina leaves) and boil it with the water and add half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and use it twice a day.  Treatment continues for twenty days.14)   RENAL COLI (Kidney pain):  Take 250 grams Kalonji grind it and take one cup of honey, mix together. Out of this mixture take two spoons mixture and add half cup water and add half tea spoon of kalonji oil use it once a day.  Treatment may continue for twenty days.15)   NAUSEA OR VOMITING:   Take one spoon of Caration powder and add half tea spoon kalonji oil and boil it. Now in this warm mixture add mint (Pudina leaves) & use thrice a day.


:   Take one spoon of olive oil. Mix together with half tea spoon of kalonji oil and rub it on the face. After one hour wash it with soap water.  Treatment may continue for one week.17)   GENERAL WEAKNESS:  Take half tea spoon of kalonji oil and add one spoon honey. Mix together and use it once a day. General weakness and other diseases will be removed.18)   TREATMENT OF SWELLING ON VITAL ORGAN:   On swelling below thigh and pulse, first wash it with soap water and dry. Rub the Kalonji oil on the swelling part and keep it as it is for the next day morning.  Treatment may continue for three days.19)   LEPROSY:  Take apple juice and Kalonji oil, First rub apple juice and then Kalonji oil one by one the effected part.20)   TUMOUR:  Rub the Kalonji oil on the effected part and drink half tea spoon of Kalonji oil once. Treatment may continue of fifteen days.21)   HEADACHE:  Rub Kalonji oil on the forehead and near ears, and also drink half tea spoon Kalonji oil twice a day.22)   CHEST IRRITATION AND STOMACH TROUBLE:  Take half tea spoon of Kalonji oil mixed with a cup of milk and use this mixture twice daily.  Treatment may continue for 3 days.
23)   HICCUPS:  Take one big spoon cream (Malai) Mixed with 2 drops of Kalonji oil and drink in the morning and in the night.  Treatment may continue for seven days.24)   BLOOD PRESSURE: -  In any hot drink tea/ coffee , add half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and use this mixture twice a day. Also eat two cloves of Garlic daily.25)   FALLING HAIRS PREMATURELY:  Rub Lime Juice on the head and leave it for fifteen minutes, then wash it with shampoo, after getting dried rub the Kalonji oil all over the head. Falling hairs will be controlled with in a week.  Treatment may continue for one week.26)   BRAIN FEVER:   Allow the vapours of Kalonji oil enter the body through breath. Take one lemon juice and half tea spoon kalonji oil and use for 3 days twice a day. From fourth day tea spoon kalonji oil in one cup of decoction twice day.27) KIDNEY TROUBLE, INFECTION IN THE KIDNEYS: Take half tea spoon of Kalonji oil; add 2 grams Akar khara Powder, mix one spoon honey with one cup of water and drink. This treatment is also useful for chronic cough (Purani Khansi). Treatment may continue 21 days.28) STOMACH ACHE OF THE CHILDRENS: Take two drops of Kalonji oil mix it with mother’s milk or cow milk and give to the child. Kalonji oil also should be rubbed on the ribs.29) PILES, FLOW OF BLOOD, CONSTIPATION: Take half tea spoon of Kalonji oil mixed with one cup of Decoction (Bleak tea) twice a day (once in the morning before breakfast, and one in the night). Avoid hot and spicy items.30) SKIN DISEASES – (White/Black spots): In one cup of vinegar add half spoon Kalonji oil and apply that on the affected area before going to sleep in the night and take bath in the morning. Treatment may continue until you get relief.31) SIMPLE FEVER: Take half cup of water and add half lemon Juice mixed with half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and use it twice a day. Treatment may continue until you get relief. Avoid use of Rice.32) ROUND WORMS AND TAPS WORMS IN THE STOMACH: Take half spoon Vinegar mixed with half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and use it twice a day and eat some coconut pieces. Avoid sugar items.33) Stone in Kidney, Bladder and Uterus: Take one cup of warm water and add two spoon of honey mixed with half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and use that twice a day. (Once in the morning before the breakfast and once in the night after dinner). Avoid tomatoes, spinach (Palak), lemon diet, sitaphal for three years.34) EPILEPSY: Take one cup of warm water and add two spoons of honey mix them and add half tea spoon Kalonji oil use it twice a day. During this treatment cold food should not be taken. Avoid guava, Banana, Sitaphal for three years.35) EAR DISEASES, EAR ACHE, FLOW OF PUS, LOW HEARING: Heat the Kalonji oil and let it cool and put it two drops of cooled Kalonji oil in ear.36) CRACKED HAND AND CRACK FOOT WITH BLOOD FLOW: Take one glass of sweet lime (Mausambhi) Juice and add half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and use this twice a day (In the morning before the breakfast and in the night before going to bed). Avoid chicken, egg, brinjal. Use the herbal ointment made of Kalonji.37) FACIAL PROBLEMS, PIMPLES, RED GRANULES AND ANY TYPE OF SPOTS: Take one cup of Orange Mausambhi (sweet lime)  juice or Pineapple juice and add half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and use this mixture twice a day (in the morning before the breakfast and in the night before going to bed). Also use Kalonji Pimple cream for application. Treatment may continue for four weeks. Avoid hot eatable items.38) DENTAL DISEASES: Fall of teeth prematurely, weakness of the teeth, flow of blood from the teeth, bad smell of the mouth, swelling on gums: Take one cup of curd and half tea spoon of Kalonji oil, use this mixture twice a day (once in the morning before the breakfast and in at night after dinner). Also use Kalonji Herbal Tooth powder.39) MALE RELATED DISEASESNight discharge: Take one cup of apple juice and add half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and use this mixture twice a day in the morning before breakfast and in the night after dinner. Daily four drops of Kalonji oil should be rubbed on the head. Treatment may continue for 21 days. Avoid hot/spicy eatable items.40) BLOOD DEFICIENCY (Anemia) and Ulcer in the Intestine: Take a branch of mint (Pudina Leaves), mix with water, boil it and make a cup of juice and add half tea spoon of kalonji oil and use this mixture twice a day (once in the morning and at evening). Treatment may continue for 21 days.
41) JAUNDICE: Take one cup of milk, add half tea spoon of kalonji oil and use this mixture twice a day (one in the morning and once after the dinner). Treatment may continue for a week. Avoid fatty and sour eatable items.42) SWELLING OF THROAT, LUNGS PROBLEM: Take one cup of warm water and add two spoons of honey and half tea spoon of Kalonji oil. Use this mixture twice a day (Once in the morning before breakfast and in the night after dinner, before going to bed). Treatment may continue for 10 days. Avoid ice Cream, ice water, coconuts, lemon, orange and Mausambhi.43) COUGH: Take one cup of warm water, add two spoons of honey mix with half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and use this mixture twice a day once in the morning before breakfast, and once after the dinner. Treatment may continue for two weeks. Avoid cold stuff items.44) HEART ATTACK, SWELLING ON BREATHING VEINS: Blockage of heart valve, breathing problem, cold sweating, pressure on heart. Take one cup of Goat’s milk add half tea spoon of Kalonji oil. Use this mixture twice a day, once in the morning before the breakfast and once in the evening before going to bed. Treatment may continue for 21 days. Avoid fatty items.45) MATERNITY: The mental weakness after the child born, tiredness, and bleeding related diseases: Takeone cup of cucumber juice, add half tea spoon of Kalonji oil. Use this mixture twice a day once before the breakfast in the morning and once in the night before going to bed. Treatment may continue for 40 days.46) DIGESTION OF FOOD, COLOR OF FACE ETC: Treatment: Mix 2 spoons of ginger, half spoon of Kalonji oil and one spoon of sugar. Use this mixture twice a day (Morning and evening). Continue the treatment for 10 days. Avoid gas creating food.47) BURNING MICTURIATION: Take one cup sweet lime (Mausambhi) juice, add half tea spoon of Kalonji oil. Use this mixture twice a day (in the morning before breakfast and at night before going to bed). Treatment may continue for 10 days. Avoid hot stuff items chilly and sour food items.48) WORMS IN THE STOMACH: Mix one spoon vinegar with half tea spoon of Kalonji oil. Take thrice a day (In the morning before the breakfast, after noon and at night). Continue the treatment for 10 days.49) JOINT PAIN: Swelling on ankle and other pains in the joints. Take one spoon vinegar and two spoons of honey and add half tea spoon of kalonji oil. Use this mixture two times a day and also massage with same (Til) oil. Avoid gas producing elements for 21 days.50) BALDNESS OF HEAD: Rub the kalonji oil on the head twice a day and use a mixture of one cup of coffee mixed with half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and use it twice a day.

51) TO MAINTAIN HEALTHY BODY: 1 Kg. of wheat flour add half tea spoon of kalonji oil and make roti and eat. Insha-Allah! You will remain healthy.52) MADNESS AND PILES: Take half tea spoon of kalonji oil and mix with cold water and drink. If you mix the same (TIL) oil with boiled water and let it cool and drink, Insha-Allah piles will be cured. For SNAKE POISON same process should be adopted. Avoid Guava, Banana and Sitaphal.53) TOOTH PAIN AND SWELLING OF GUMS: Take one spoon of vinegar and add half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and apply on affected area for two or three minutes and rinse the mouth. Repeat this process twice a day. Treatment may continue for one week.54) SEVERE COLD: Take half cup of water and half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and quarter spoon of Olive oil and mix together and filter. Put two drops of filtered mixture into the nose. This method is the best for cold. Use this process twice a day.55) SKIN DISEASE RELEATED TO PIMPLES BOILS: Before going to bed apply Kalonji oil on the affected areas of the body and sleep, in the morning wash with soap. This treatment may continue of 21 days.56) TO KEEP THE FACE AND SKIN SMOOTH: Take two big spoons of honey and half spoon of Kalonji oil and half spoon of Olive oil and mix altogether. Use this mixture two times a day in the morning and before going to bed. Treatment may continue for 40 days.57) PILES: Take one spoon of Vinegar and add half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and apply on piles. This process may be used twice a day.58) DISEASES OF LIVER & ABDOMENT: Take 200 grams of honey and half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and drink this mixture half in the morning before breakfast and half in the evening. Use this process for one month. Avoid Tamarind items.59) MENSTRUATIONS PROBLEMS: Take one spoon of honey and mix with half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and drink one tea spoon in the morning before the breakfast and one tea spoon in the evening. Use this process for two weeks.60) ANYTYPE OF SWELLING: Heat required quantity of Kalonji oil and apply on affected area. Half tea spoon of Kalonji oil to be consumed twice a day.61) POISONOUS ATTACKS: Eat two pieces of fig and take half spoon of Kalonji oil and mix with two spoons of honey and drink, with this mixture you will be protected from snake bites. Don’t allow the patient to sleep for four hours. Use this mixture for seven days.62) HIGH TEMPERATURE: Take half tea spoon of Kalonji oil with decoction (tea without Milk or Black tea). Continue till the temperature comes to normal.63) BURNS: 30 grams of Olive oil and 5 grams of Kalonji oil, 15 grams of Calamus (BUCH) and 80 grams of Mehendi leaves. Mix together and apply on affected parts.64) OBESITY: Half tea spoon of Kalonji oil, two spoons of honey mixed in luke warm water and take twice a day. Avoid taking rice.65) DANDRUFF: Mix 10 grams of Kalonji oil, 30 grams of Olive oil, and 30 grams of Mehendi powder Heat of a while. Apply after the past becomes cool.66) SOUND SLEEP: After dinner take half tea spoon of Kalonji oil with one spoon of honey, you will get sound sleep.67) FOR ACTIVENESS: Half tea spoon of Kalonji oil with 2 spoon honey daily before breakfast.68) FOR INCREASING MOTHER’S MILK: One cup milk two drops of kalonji oil in the morning before breakfast and at night before going to bed.69) LEPROSY, WHITE SPOTS OF ANY KIND: Take half spoon of Kalonji oil in one cup of orange juice and use this portion twice a day or take one spoon vinegar (home made), one spoon honey and half spoon kalonji oil mixed together and use this mixture twice a day. Treatment may continue until the symptoms disappear.70) SKIN DISEASES: In one cup of vinegar add half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and apply this mixture on the affected areas before going to bed. Treatment may continue until you get relief.71) STOMACH PAIN: (all types): In a glass of sweet lime (Mausambhi) juice add to spoon of homey and half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and use this mixture twice a day. Avoid all gas elements. Treatment may continue for 20 day.72) STONE IN KEDNEY: In a cup of warm water add two tea spoons of honey and half tea spoon of Kalonji oil, dilute and use this mixture twice a day. Avoid spinach, lemon, sweet lime (mausambhi), tomatoes. Treatment should be continued until the stone is discharged.73) FROM HEAD TO TOE: Mix one cup of orange juice with half tea spoon of Kalonji oil, take morning before breakfast and at night bed time. Treatment may continue for four months.74) SWELLING OF STOMACH: Mix 3 grams of Ajwan, 3 grams Methi, 4 drops of Kalonji oil together. Take this mixture before breakfast and before dinner

Gall stones & kidney stones
Prepare a formulation of 250g of ground black seed & 250g pure honey, stir thoroughly before use. Take two tablespoons of this formulation and mix thoroughly with half a cup of hot water. Finally add one teaspoon of black seed oil. This mixture is to be taken every morning before consuming any food.
A teaspoon of black seed oil mixed in a glass of orange juice with breakfast makes you active all through the day. A teaspoon of black seed oil mixed in a hot drink after supper gives you a quiet sleep all through the night.
75) JOINT PAINS, BACK ACHE & NECK PAIN: Eat two pieces of dry fig and add 4 drops of kalonji oil in one cup of Milk. Do not eat anything till two hours. Treatment is to be continued for 2 months. Avoid potatoes, tomatoes, green chills and bottlegaud.76) PERSISTENT COUGH: Mix 10 grams of Akal kara, 200 grams honey, 100 grams of Kalonji oil together. Take the mixture, one spoon thrice a day. Restrict from ice cream, fridge water, custard apple. Treatment for 40 days.77) SORIASIS: Mix juice of six limes with 50 grams of kalonji oil together rub on the affected places.78) UTERUS PROBLEMS: one bunch of pudina juice, 2 spoon of Misri powder, one tea spoon of Kalonji oil, mix and use before breakfast. This treatment may continue for 40 days.79) STAMMERING: Mix half tea spoon of Kalonji oil 2 spoons of honey and keep it on the tongue twice a day.80) IN ALL EAR DISEASES: Heat one teaspoon of Kalonji oil with one spoonful of olive oil and let it cool. Put two drops of the mixture at bed time, you will get immediate relief.81) TOOTH ACHE, CAVITIES TOOTH DECAY:  At the time of going to bed put a piece of cotton which is soaked in Kalonji oil, on affected area. Continue this treatment at least for seven days. Dental problems will vanish.82) BLEEDING RELATED DISEASES OF WOMEN: White discharge etc. Put half bunch of mint (Pudina) in two cups of water and reduce it tone cup by heating it. Add 2 spoon powder of misree + one spoon kalonji oil take this mixture before breakfast. Treatment may continue for 40 days.83) FAIRNESS OF FACE: Take 50 grams of Olive oil and add 50 grams of Kalonji oil. Take half teaspoon in the morning before breakfast. Skin will be fair and glowing pink. (Note: - Pregnant women are not allowed to take this medicine).84) TREATMENT FOR BALDNESS: Take 20 grams Kalonji oil and 20 grams powder of Mehandi, Add 60 grams of vinegar (Sirka) and rub on the bald head. Wash head after one hour. Insha-Allah baldness will vanish and also useful for recovery of damage hair. Note: - this process may be used once in a week.85) SINUS, COLD: Take one spoon honey and add one spoon Kalonji oil. Use this mixture daily in the morning and evening. Avoid cold stuff items. At night when going to bed, put one drop of Kalonji oil in to the nose Insha-Allah you will get relief from SINUS and Persistent Cold.86) BEAUTIFULNESS: Take 10 grams of `Sunheri gearu’ and add four drops of Kalonji oil rub this past at night before going to bed. In the morning wash the face with like warm water and soap (skin care) Insha-Allah your skin will look smooth and beautiful.87) DISEASES OF ABDOMEN: (Increase of Harnea): Take one tablespoon of juice of Karela and add half tea spoon of Kalonji oil. Use this mixture in the morning before breakfast and before lunch and before dinner.88) SEXUAL DISORDERS: (Weakness): Take two teaspoon of honey and add one drop of Kalonji oil with one drop of `Jaiphal oil’. Use this mixture daily before going to bed. Treatment may continue for two weeks.89) HEART WEAKNESS: (Heart Trouble): Mix 4 drops of garlic juice add four drops of kalonji oil to this add some misree (sugar) and water and take this mixture daily.90) GASES AND ACIDITY: Mix one tola of ginger juice with half tola Kalonji oil, add some salt and water. Use mixture for immediate relief.91) DYSENTERY, DIARRHEA: Mix one tola esapgol with half cup of curd and one tea spoon of Kalonji oil, use three to four times a day92) LIVER DISORDER AND JAUNDICE: Put one tola of Ajwan in water and keep in shade at day time and in the dew drops at night time. Next day filter and pour one spoon of Kalonji oil. Take once in day. Or take two tola leaves of Mehandi and put in the water at night time. In the morning after filtering add 14 pieces of Kalonji seeds, one spoon of honey and one spoon of Kalonji oil. Use this mixture once in a day.93) PILES: Take 50 grams of powder of Mehendi leaves add 250 grams pure Olive oil and boil them for 5 minutes. Pour three drops of Kalonji oil with the help cotton. Apply this past of the affected area. This process may be used twice a day that is in the morning and at the bed time. Also eat 4-5 figs with one spoon kalonji oil.94) BURNING MICTURITION, URINE DEFICIENCY, BURNING SENSATION IN URINE: Take one liter of milk and add one spoon of Kalonji oil and one spoon honey. Take this mixture twice a day Or two tola coth boiled in water, add one spoon of Kalonji oil and take this mixture.96) HALF SIDE HEADACHE: Put one drop of Kalonji oil in nostril (nose) opposite to the headache area and also take half spoon of kalonji oil daily.97) POLIO AND PARALYSES: (Laqhwa): Daily put one drop of Kalonji oil in the nostril, which is opposite to Polio side, use half spoon of Kalonji oil with one spoon of honey.98) SHIVERING: Daily take two half boiled eggs and follow the treatment as mention for POLIO and Paralyses aliment.99)  WEAK MEMORY: (Absent mindedness): In case of absent mindedness crush seven seeds of Kalonji. Add one spoon of honey and one spoon of Kalonji oil. Use this mixture daily. Also chew 3-4 pieces of cardamom in a day.                    100)   CATARACT: Mix one spoon of Kalonji with tea in the morning and in the milk at night. Take twice a day.101)   STOMACH PAIN: Mix one spoon of Kalonji oil with little (Pinch) of salt in half glass of warm water and drink it. It is useful for stomach pain.102)   HEARING PROBLEMS, EAR PAIN, And FLOW OF PUSS: Mix equal quantity of pure olive oil, almond and Kalonji oil and heat them. Put one drop in each ear of this mixture twice a day in the morning and bed time.103)   TOOTH ACHE AND SWELLING OF GUMS: Apply one drop of clove oil with Kalonji oil on the affected area 2-3 minutes for cleaning the teeth, heat lohari salt and crush it the add few drops of olive oil and rinse the teeth with it.104)   COUGH BRONCHITIS: Crush one tola of Alsee and boil in one litre of water Boil the water to half, filter it. Add one spoon of kalonji oil and two spoon honey. Use this mixture twice a day and avoid cold stuffs.105)   ASTAMA: Mix little (Pinch) salt, one spoon of Kalonji oil with one spoon pure Ghee and apply/rub on the chest and throat. Simultaneously drink mixture of one spoon Kalonji oil and two spoon of honey twice a day.106)   GASTICE TROUBLES: Take 60 grams Ajwan one spoon. Kalonji oil and mix lime juice let it dry in the Sun add 10 grams black salt by crushing and use daily once in evening.107)   FOR HICCUPS: Eat one spoon Kalonji oil and 7 seeds of Kalonji with butter.108)   NAUSEA AND VOMITING: Mix and preserve, 100 grams pure vinegar (sirka) 200 grams sugar and one spoon of Kalonji oil. Chew it Nasuea and vomiting will be cured.109)   STOMACH PAIN (SINGLE) : Mix one spoon of Kalonji oil with little (Pinch) of salt in half glass of warm water and drink it. It is useful for stomach pain.

Black seed name in other languages

AlbanianFara e zezë
Amharicጥቁር አዝሙድ
Tikur Azmud
Arabicحبة السوداءحبة البركةكمون اسودشونيز
حَبَّة الْسَوْدَاءحَبَّة الْبَرَكَةكَمُّون أَسْوَدشُونِيز
Habbet as-suda, Habbeh as-sudah, Habbet al-sudaHabbeh al-suda, Habbah sauda, Habbah al-baraka, Kamun aswad, Sanouz, Shuniz, Shunez, Sinouj
AzeriÇörək otu
Чөрәк оту
Bengaliকাল জিরাকালোজিরা
Kalo jira
BulgarianЧелебитка посевнаЧерен кимион
Chelebitka posevna, Cheren kimion
CatalanSanuj, Barba d’ermità
黑種草 [hàk júng chóu]
Hak jung chou
黑種草 [hēi zhǒng cǎo]
Hei zhong cao
CroatianCrni kumin, Crnog kima
CzechČerný kmín, Černucha
Dhivehiކަޅު ދިރި
Kalu dhiri
DutchNigelle, Narduszaad
EnglishBlack Cumin, Black Caraway, Black Seed
EstonianMustköömen, Põld-mustköömen
Farsiسیاه دانه
Siah daneh
FinnishRyytineito, Sipulinsiemen, Rohtoneidonkukka, Mustakumina, Mustasiemen; Neidonkukka (applies to the whole genus)
FrenchCheveux de Vénus, Nigelle, Poivrette
GaelicLus an fhograidh
GermanZwiebelsame, Nigella, Schwarzkümmel
Melanthion, Melanthio, Ninkela
Ketzah, Qetsach
Kalaunji, Kalonji
HungarianFeketekömény, Parasztbors, Kerti katicavirág, Borzaskata mag
IndonesianJinten hitam
ItalianNigella, Grano nero
Nigera, Nijera
Kannadaಕರಿ ಜೀರಿಗೆ
Kari jirige
Pullaek-kumin, Tae-hoehyang, Nigella; Hukchongcho (Nigella damascena)
MalayJintan hitam
Karinjeeragam, Karuta jirakam
Mugrelo, Mungrelo
Mugrela, Haji
PolishCzarnuszka siewna
PortugueseNigela, Cominho-preto
RomanianChimion negru, Negrilică, CernușcăCernuşcă
Chernushka, Nigella
SerbianЋурукотаЧурукотЧурекотЦрно семеЦрњика храпава
Ćurukota, Ćurukot, Čurekot, Crno seme, Crnjika hrapava
SlovakČernuška siata, Černuška, Černuška damascénska, Egyptská čierna rasca
SlovenianVzhodna črnika
SpanishNiguilla, Pasionara
Thian dam
Zira nagpo
TurkishÇörek otu, Çöreotu, Çörekotu tohumu, Ekilen, Hakiki çöreotu, Kara çörek otu, Siyah kimyon, Siyah susam
UkrainianЧорнушка посівна
Chornushka posivna
Nigele, Tshernitshke

Cystic fibrosis
Massage the chest with black seed oil, and drink a mixture of one teaspoon black seed oil with a teaspoon pure honey, morning afternoon and evening.
1)      Diabetes
Mix a cup of whole black seeds, a cup of Water Cress Seeds (Mustard seed can be used as an alternative), half a cup of pomegranate peel and half a cup of fumitory. Grind the mixture to powder. Take half a teaspoon of the mixture together with a teaspoon of black seed oil daily before breakfast for one month.

2)      111)   MEDICINE FOR DIGESTION: Mix 4 tola of Ajwan, one spoon Kalonji oil with lime juice let it dry in the sun use one pinch after every meal. Avoid gas creating foods.112)   WORMS IN THE STOMACH: Take 14 crushed seeds of Kalonji, 2 drops of Kalonji oil and one drop of pure vinegar (sirka) mix it with one litre of water. Drink it. Insha-Allah worms of the stomach will be removed /discharged.

Diseases Treatment
Asthma / Cough & Allergy For the treatment of this disease the following method is adopted. Take one cup decoction (Black Tea), mix half tea spoon Kalonji and drink it in the morning and before going to bed. Avoid oily food stuff, Particularly fried items. If any other allopathic treatment is going on, Continue that treatment. After 20 days check sugar, if it is m\normal Allopathic treatment should be stopped and Kalonji treatment to be continued. After forty days, sweet can be taken to check your sugar level. If it is normal stop the treatment.
Asthma Mix little (Pinch) salt, ½ spoon Kalonji Oil with one spoon pure Ghee and apply / rub on chest and throat. Simultaneously drink mixture of ½ spoon Kalonji Oil and two spoon honey twice a day.
Burning Micturition Take one Cup sweet lime (Mausambi) juice, and half tea spoon of Kalonji Oil. Use this mixture twice a day (in the mixture before breakfast and in the evening before going to bed). Treatment may continue for 10 days. Avoid hot stuff items, Chilly and sour food items.
Brain Fever Allow the vapors of Kalonji Oil to enter the body through breath. Take one lemon juice and half tea spoon Kalonji Oil and use for 3 days twice a day. From fourth day half tea spoon Kalonji Oil in one cup of Decoction twice a day
Blood Pressure In any hot drink Tea / Coffee, and half tea spoon 
of Kalonji Oil and use this mixture twice a day. Also eat two cloves of garlic daily.
Bleeding related Diseases of Woman White discharge etc. Put half bunch of mint Pudina in two cups of water and reduce it to one cup by heating it. Add two spoon powder of misree + ½ spoons Kalonji Oil takes this mixture before breakfast. Treatment may continue for 40 days.
Burning Micturition, Urine Deficiency, Burning Take ¼ liter milk and add ½ spoon Kalonji Oil and one spoon honey. Take the mixture twice a day (or) 20 grams coth boiled in Water, add ½ spoon Kalonji and take this mixture.
Cancer Take one glass grape juice add half tea spoon Kalonji Oil and use thrice a day once in the morning before the breakfast, after the lunch, after the dinner Take one Kg. 
Wheat flour, mix together , make bread (Roti) or Daliya of Harira and give to the patient. Treatment may continue for forty days, Avoid Potato, Arvee, Brinjal and Ambada vegetable.
Cough Take one cup warm water, add two spoons of honey mix with half tea spoon of Kalonji Oil and use this mixture twice day once in the morning before breakfast and once in the evening after dinner. Treatment may continue for two weeks. Avoid cold stuff items.
Chest Irritation and Stomach Trouble Take half tea spoon of Kalonji Oil mixed with a cup of milk and use this mixture twice daily. Treatment may continue for 3 days.
Cataract Mix ½ spoon of Kalonji Oil with tea in the morning and in milk at night. Take twice daily.
Cough Bronchitis Crush 10 gms Alsee and boil in ¼ Litre of water boil the water to half filter it, add ½ spoon Kalonji Oil and two spoon honey. Use this mixture twice a day. Avoid cold stuffs.
Gastric Troubles Take 60 grams Ajwan ½ spoon Kalonji Oil and mix lime juice let it dry in the sun add 10 grams black salt by crushing and use daily once in the evening.
Diabetes (Sugar) For the treatment of this disease the following method is adopted. Take one cup decoction (Black Tea), mix half tea spoon Kalonji and drink it in the morning and before going to bed. Avoid oily food stuff, Particularly fried items. If any other allopathic treatment is going on, Continue that treatment. After 20 days check sugar, if it is normal Allopathic treatment should be stopped and Kalonji treatment to be continued. After forty days, sweet can be taken to check your sugar level. If it is normal stop the treatment
Dental Diseases Fall of teeth prematurely, weakness of the teeth, flow of blood from the teeth, bad smell of the mouth, swelling on gums .: Take one cup of curd and half tea spoon of Kalonji Oil and use this mixture twice a day (Once in the morning before the breakfast and second time after dinner). Also use Kalonji Herbal Tooth Powder.
Dyspepsia Indigestion, Gases, Stomach Irritations and Stomach ache In this stage one spoon of ginger juice add half tea spoon Kalonji Oil and drink twice a day. This treatment is also useful for removing obesity. This medicine makes the patient slim.
Disease of Abdomen Take one tablespoon juice of Karela and add half spoon Kalonji Oil .use this mixture in the morning before breakfast and before lunch and dinner.
Dysentery Diarrhea Mix 10 gms Esapgol with half Cup of Curd and ¼ tea spoon of Kalonji Oil use three oil use three to four times a day.
Eczema Mix 10 grams sona mahi and Kalonji kiste – e Shirin with 500 grams vinegar (sirka) after boiling filter it add some Kalonji Oil and apply on the affected area.
Epilepsy Take one cup of warm water and add two spoons of honey mix them and add half tea spoon of Kalonji Oil and use it twice a day. During this treatment cold food should not be taken. Avoid guava, banana, and sitaphal for three years.
Ear Diseases, Ear Ache, Flow of Pus, Low Hearing Heat Kalonji Oil and let it cool and put two drops of cooled Kalonji Oil in the ear.
Ear Diseases (All) Heat one teaspoon Kalonji Oil with one spoonful of Olive Oil and let it cool. Put two drops of mixture at bed time, you will get immediate relief.
Gases and Acidity Mix  10 grams of ginger juice with 5 grams Kalonji Oil add some salt and water. Use mixture for immediate relief.
Heart Attack Swelling on Breathing Veins Take one cup of goat milk and half tea spoon of Kalonji Oil use this mixture twice a day once in the morning before the breakfast and once in the evening before going to bed. Treatment may continue for 21 days. Avoid fatty items
Heart Attack In a cup of goat milk add half tea spoon of  Kalonji Oil and use this mixture twice a day. Avoid all fatty food items. Continue Treatment for ten days. After ten days use daily once.
High Temperature Take Half tea spoon of Kalonji Oil with decoction (tea Without milk). Continue till temperature comes to normal.
Headache Rub the Kalonji Oil on the forehead and near ears, and also drink half tea spoon Kalonji Oil twice a day.
Hiccups Take one big spoon cream (Malay) mixed with two drops of Kalonji Oil and drink in the morning and in the night. Treatment may continue for seven days.
Half side Headache Put one drop of Kalonji Oil in the one nose nostril which is opposite to the headache area. Also take ½ spoon Kalonji oil daily.
Heart Weakness Mix 4 drops of garlic juice add four drops of Kalonji Oil to this add some misree and water and take this mixture daily.
Joint Pains & Arthritis, etc. Take one spoon of vinegar, add half tea spoon of Kalonji Oil and mix two spoons honey, use twice a day (In the Morning before breakfast and in the night after dinner)
Jaundice Take one cup of milk, add half tea spoon of Kalonji Oil and use this mixture twice a day (once in the morning and once after the dinner). Treatment may continue for one week. Avoid fatty and sour eatable items.
Joint Pains Swelling on ankle and other pains in the joints. Take one Spoon vinegar and two spoons of honey and add half tea spoon of Kalonji Oil. Use this mixture twice a day and also message with the same oil. Avoid gas producing elements for 21 days.
Joint Pains, Back Ache & Neck Pain Eat two pieces of dry fig and add 4-drops of Kalonji Oil, in one cup of milk. Do not eat anything till two hours. Treatment is to be continued for 2-months. Avoid potatoes, tomatoes, green chilies and bottlegaud
Kidney Trouble, Infection in the Kidney Take half tea spoon of Kalonji Oil, add 2gm Akar Khara Powder, and mix one spoon honey with one cup of water and drink. This treatment is also useful for chronic cough ( Purani Khansi). Treatment may continue 21 days.
Ladies Secret Diseases  Treatment- Take mint (Pudina leaves) add two glasses of water and boil then add half tea spoon Kalonji Oil and drink one time of going to bed. Treatment may continue for forty days. Avoid Pickle, Brinjal  egg and fish
Leprosy Take Apple juice and Kalonji Oil. First rub Apple juice and then Kalonji Oil one by one on the affected part.
Leprosy, White spots of any Kind Take half spoon of Kalonji Oil in one cup of orange and use this portion twice a day or take one spoon vinegar (home made), one spoon honey and half spoon Kalonji Oil mixed together and use this mixture twice a day. Treatment may continue until the symptoms disappear.
Liver Disorder and jaundice Put 10 gms Ajwan in water and keep in a shade at day time and in the dew drops at night time. Next day filter and pour ½ spoon Kalonji Oil. Take once in a day. Or Take 20 gms leaves of Mehandi and put in the water at night. In the morning after filtering add 14 pieces of Kalonji Seeds, one spoon honey and ½ spoon Kalonji Oil. Use this mixture once in a day.
Male Related Diseases Night discharge: Take one cup apple juice and half tea spoon of Kalonji Oil and use this mixture twice a day in the morning before breakfast and in the night after dinner. Daily four drops of Kalonji oil should be rubbed on the head. Treatment may continue for 21 days. Avoid hot/spicy eatable items.
Madness and piles Take half tea spoon of Kalonji Oil and mix with cold water and drink. If you mix the same oil with boiled water and let it cool and drink, piles will be cured. For Snake poison same process should be adopted. Avoid guava, banana and Sitaphal.
Nausea or vomiting Take one spoon Caration powder and add half tea spoon Kalonji Oil and boil it. Now in this warm mixture add mint (Pudina) & use thrice a day.
Nausea and Vomiting Mix and preserve, 100 grams pure vinegar (Sirka) 200 grams sugar and ½ spoon Kalonji Oil. Chew it Nausea and vomiting will be cured.
Ophthalmic Diseases Redness of eyes, cataract, eye’s trouble, eye weakness and watering etc. Treatment – Take one cup of carrots juice mixed with half tea spoon Kalonji Oil and use this mixture twice a day ( in the morning before breakfast and in the night after dinner, Treatment may continue for Forty (40 ) days . Avoid: Pickle, Brinjal, egg and fish.
Polio & Paralysis (Laqwa) Take one cup of warm water, add one spoon honey and half tea spoon Kalonji Oil and use this mixture twice daily. And for children, two spoons of milk add 3 drops of Kalonji Oil and use this mixture three times a day. Treatment may continue forty days.
Poisonous Virus Take one glass of Warm water, add one spoon date (Khajur) powder half tea spoon Kalonji Oil and two spoon honey, mix together and use thrice a day . Treatment may continue for forty days. Avoid potato Brinjal grams, pulses (Chana ki dal), pulses (Masoor ki dal).
Piles Take one spoon of vinegar and add half tea spoon of Kalonji Oil and apply on piles. This process may used twice a day
Persistent Cough Mix 10gms of Akal Kara, 200gms honey, 100gms Kalonji Oil together. Take the mixture, one spoon thrice a day. Restrict from ice cream, fridge water, custard apple. Treatment for 40-days.
Psoriasis Mix juice of six limes with 50gms of Kalonji Oil together, rub on the effected places.
Piles Take 50 grams powder of Mehandi leaves add 250 grams pure Olive Oil and boil them for 5 minutes. Pour three drops ofKalonji Oil and with the help of Cotton apply this paste on the affected area. This process may be used twice a day that is in the morning and at the bed time. Also eat 4.5 figs with ½ spoon of Kalonji Oil.
Piles flow of Blood, Constipation Take half tea spoon of Kalonji Oil mixed with one cup decoction (black tea) twice a day (One in the morning before the breakfast and in the night). Avoid hot and spicy items.
Polio and Paralyses Daily put one drop of Kalonji Oil in the nostril which is opposite to Polio side, half Spoon of Kalonji Oil with one spoon of honey.
Renal coli (Kidney Pain) Take 250 grams Kalonji, grind it and take one cup of honey, mix together Out of this mixture take two spoons of mixture and add half Cup of water and half tea spoon Kalonji oil and use it once a day treatment may continue for twenty days.
Round Worms and Tape Worms in the Stomach Take half spoon vinegar mixed with half spoon of Kalonji Oil and use it twice a day and eat some coconut pieces. Avoid sugar items.
Swelling of Throat, Lungs Problem Take one cup warm water and add two spoons honey and half tea spoon of Kalonji Oil. Use this mixture twice a day (once in the morning before breakfast and in the night before going to bed). Treatment may continue for 10 days. Avoid Ice Cream, ice water, coconuts, lemon, orange, Mausambi.
Severe Cold Take half cup water and half spoon of Kalonji Oil and quarter spoon olive oil and mix together and filter. Put two drops of filtered mixture into the nose. This method is the best for old col. Use this process twice a day.
Skin Diseases and Related Pimples Boils Before going to bed apply Kalonji Oil on the affected areas of the body and sleep, in the morning wash with soap. This treatment may continue for 21 days.
Stomach Pain Mix ½ spoon of Kalonji Oil with little (Pinch) salt in half glass of warm water and drink it. It is useful for stomach pain.
Stammering Mix half spoon of Kalonji Oil in 2-spoon of honey and keep it on the tongue twice a day.
Skin Disease of all types In one cup of vinegar add half tea spoon Kalonji Oil and apply this mixture on the effected areas before going to sleep and take bath in the morning. Treatment may continue until you get relief
Stomach Pain (All types) In a glass of sweet lime (mausambi) juice add two spoons of honey and half tea spoon Kalonji Oil and use this mixture twice a day. Avoid all gas producing elements. Treatment may continue for 20 days.
Stone in Kidney In a cup of warm water add two tea spoons honey and half tea spoon Kalonji Oil, dilute and use the mixture twice a day. Avoid spinach, lemon, sweet lime (mausambi), tomatoes. This treatment should continue until the stone is discharged.
Swelling of Stomach Mix 3gms of Ajwan, 3gms Mehti, 4-Drops of Kalonji Oil, takes the mixture before breakfast and dinner. Avoid potatoes and sweet items.
Shivering Daily take two half boiled eggs and follow the treatment as mention in Polio and Paralysis ailments.
Stomach Pain Mix ½ spoon of Kalonji Oil with little (Pinch) salt in half glass of warm water and drink it. It is useful for stomach pain.
Sexual Disorder Take two teaspoon of honey and add one drop of Klaonji Oil with one drop of ‘Jaiphal oil’ . Use this mixture daily before going to bed. Treatment may continue for two weeks.
Skin Diseases In one cup of vinegar add half tea spoon Kalonji Oil and apply that on the affected area before going to sleep and take bath in the morning. treatment may continue until you get relief.
Simple Fever Take half cup of water and half of lemon juice mixed with half spoon Kalonji Oil and use it twice a day. Treatment may continue until you get relief, Avoid use of rice.
Sinus, Cold Take on spoon honey and add ½ spoon Kalonji Oil. Use this mixture daily in the morning and evening. Avoid cold stuff items at time put one drop of Kalonji Oil in to the nose Insha-Allah you will get relief from sinus and persistent cold.
Stomach ache of the children Take two drops of Kalonji Oil mix it with Mother’s milk (or) Cow’s milk and give to the child. Kalonji Oil also should be rubbed on the ribs.
Stone in Kidney, Bladder and Uterus Take one cup of warm water and add two spoons of honey mixed with half tea spoon of Kalonji Oil and use that twice a day (once in the morning before the breakfast and once in the night after dinner). Avoid tomatoes, spinach (palak), lemon diet, curry leaves (Kariyapak).
Tooth Pain and Swelling and Gums Take one spoon vinegar and add half tea spoon of Kalonji Oil and apply on affected area for two or three minutes and rinse the mouth. Repeat this process twice a day. Treatment may continue for one week.
Treatment of Swelling on Vital Organ On Swelling below thigh and pulse, first wash it with soap water and dry. Rudd the Kalonji Oil on the welling part and keep it as it is for the next day morning Treatment may continue for three days.
Tumor Rub the Kalonji Oil on the affected part and drink half tea spoon on Kalonji Oil once. Treatment may continue for fifteen days.
Tooth Ache Cavities, Tooth Decay At the time of going to bed put a piece of cotton which is soaked in Kalonji Oil, on affected area. Continue this treatment at least for seven days. Dental problems will vanish.
Uterus Problems ½ bunch of pudina juice, 2-spoon of misri power, ½ tea spoon of Kalonji Oil, mix and use before breakfast. This treatment is for 40-days.
Any Type of Swelling Heat required quantity of Kalonji Oil and apply on affected area. Half tea Spoon of Kalonji oil to be consumed twice a day.
Blood Deficiency Take a branch of mint (Pudina leaves), mix with water, boil it and make a cup of juice and add half tea spoon of Kalonji Oil and use this mixture twice a day (once in the morning and second time in the evening). Use curd always with food. Treatment may continue for 21 days.
Beautifulness Take 10 grams  ‘Suneheri gearu’ and add four drops of Kalonji Oil rub this paste before going to bed. In the morning wash the face with luke warm water and soap (Skin care) Insha-Allah your skin will look smooth and beautiful.
Baldness of Head Rub Kalonji Oil on the head twice a day and use a mixture of once cup of coffee mixed with half two spoon Kalonji Oiland use it twice a day
Burns 30 grams of Olive Oil and 5 grams. Of Kalonji Oil, 15 grams of Calamus (Buch) and 80 grams of Mehendi Leaves. Mix together and apply on affected parts.
Cracked Hand and Foot with Blood Flow Take one glass of sweet lime (Mausambhi) juice and add half tea spoon of Kalonji Oil and use this mixture twice a day (in the morning before breakfast and in the night before going to bed). Avoid Chicken, Egg, Brinjal. Use the herbal ointment from Kalonji.
Constipation 20 grams Jaggery (Red Sugar) 4 grams Sna Makki mixed with half big glass of warm water add ½ spoon Kalonji Oil and drink it before going to bed .
Digesting of Food, Colour of Face etc Mix 2 spoons of ginger, half spoon of Kalonji Oil and one spoon of sugar. Use this mixture twice a day (Morning and Evening); Continue the treatment for 10 days. Avoid gas creating foods.
Dandruff Mix 10 gms of Kalonji Oil, 30 gms of Olive Oil, 30 gms of Mehendi powder. Heat for a while. Apply after the paste becomes cool.
Falling of Hairs Prematurely Rub lime juice on the head and leave it for fifteen minutes, then wash it with shampoo, after getting dried rub Kalonji Oilover the head. Falling of hairs will be controlled within a week. Treatment may continue for one week.
Freshness and Handsome Take one spoon of olive oil, mix together with half tea spoon Kalonji Oil and rub it on the face After one hour wash it with soap water .Treatment may continue for one week.
For Activeness Half tea spoon of Kalonji Oil with 2-spoon honey daily before breakfast.
Facial Problem, pimples any type of Spots Take one cup of orange Mausambhi (sweet lime) juice or Pineapple juice and add half tea spoon of Kalonji Oil and use this mixture twice a day (In the morning before breakfast and in the night before going to bed). Also use Kalonji Pimple cream for application. Treatment may continue for four weeks. Avoid hot eatable items.
From Head to Toe Mix one cup of orange juice with half tea spoon Kalonji Oil, take before breakfast and at bedtime. Treatment for four months.
Fairness of Face Take 50gms of olive and add 50gms of Kalonji Oil.Take half teaspoon in the morning before breakfast .skin will be fair and glowing pink. (Note:- pregnant woman are not allowed to take this medicine.
For Increasing Mother's Milk One cup milk with two drops of Kalonji Oil in the morning before breakfast and before going to bed.
General Weakness Take half tea spoon Kalonji Oil and add one spoon honey. Mix together and use it once in a day. General Weakness and other diseases will be removed
Keep the Face and Skin Smooth Take two big spoons if honey and half spoon Kalonji Oil and half of Spoon of olive oil and mix altogether. Use this process twice a day. Once in the morning and in the night before going to bed. Treatment may continue for 40 days.
Maintain Healthy Body 1 Kg. of wheat flour and half tea spoon of Kalonji Oil and make rote and eat. Inshallah! You will remain Healthy.
Memory Power To increase the memory power and take 10 gm mint (pudina leaves) and boil it with water and add half tea spoon Kalonji Oil and use it twice a day. treatment may continue for twenty days.
Maternity Take one cup of cucumber juice and half tea spoon of Kalonji Oil. Use this mixture twice a day once before the breakfast in the morning and once in the evening before going to bed. Treatment may continue for 40 days.
Menstruations Take one spoon honey and mix with half tea spoon of Kalonji Oil and drink one tea spoon in the morning before the breakfast and one tea spoon in the evening, Use this process for two weeks.
Medicine for Digestion Mix 40 grams Ajwan, ½ spoon Kalonji Oil with lime juice let it dry in sun use one pinch after every meal. Avoid gas creating foods.
Obesity Half tea spoon of Kalonji Oil, two spoons of honey ,mixed in Luke warm water and take twice a day. Avoid Taking rice.
Poisonous Attacks Eat two pieces of fig and take half spoon of Kalonji Oil and mix with two spoons of honey and drink, with this mixture you will be protected from snake bites. Don’t allow the patient to sleep for four hours. Use this mixture for seven days.
Revital of the Body Take juice of Orange (Malta) adds half tea spoon Kalonji Oil and use it, laziness and tiredness will be removed.
Sound Sleep After dinner take half tea spoon of Kalonji Oil with one spoon of honey, you will get sound sleep.
Treatment for Baldness Take 20 grams Kalonji Oil and 20 grams powder of Mehandi add 60 grams of vinegar sirka and rub on the bald head .wash head after one hour .Insha-Allah baldness will vanish and also useful for recovery of damaged hair. Note this process may be used once in a week.
Worms in the Stomach Mix one spoon vinegar, with half tea spoon Kalonji Oil. Take thrice a day (Before breakfast, afternoon and night). Avoid Sweets. Continue treatment for 10 days.
Weak Memory(Absent Mindedness) In Case of absent mindedness crush seven seeds of Kalonji. Add one spoon of honey and ½ spoon of Kalonji Oil. Use this mixture daily. Also chew 3-4 pieces of cardamom in a day.


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The Talking Shoe Prophecy!

The Talking Shoe Prophecy of the Prophet Muhammad (s) وَالَّذِي نَفْسِي بِيَدِهِ لاَ تَقُومُ السَّاعَةُ حَتَّى تُكَلِّمَ السِّبَاعُ الإِ...