
Tuesday 23 May 2017

Trump visits Saudi Arabia


It’s more than likely that we have seen a post on social media about Donald Trump visiting king Salman bin Abdul-Aziz to secure an arms deal for the defence of Saudi Arabia against its enemies. Many people who are either lacking Islamic knowledge, have an agenda or have a disease in their hearts have spoken out slandering the king, backbiting him or even worse making takfir upon him, for shaking hands with a woman, dancing, and allowing the American president to visit Saudi Arabia. These same people justify their hatred and their behaviour towards the Muslim rulers by saying that Islam orders us to speak the truth and to speak out against injustice against evil, wicked and tyrannical leaders. On the face of it this is a good argument but the question we should ask ourselves is what does ISLAM say about these evil, wicked and tyrannical leaders? And what are our duties as Muslims towards them?


Let us first remind ourselves that as Muslims our source of guidance is the Qur’an and the authentic sunnah according to the interpretation and understanding and methodology of the sahaba and the early generations of Muslims (salaf). As Allah says;

“And whoever opposes the Messenger (ﷺ) after the guidance has become clearly manifest to him and follows a path other than that of the believers, We shall leave him to that which he has adopted and drive him into hell; what an evil destination!” (4:115)

Also the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said;

“The best of people are my generation then those who succeed them, then those who succeed them” (Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim)

“The Jews split up into seventy-one sects, the Christians split up into seventy-two sects and this Ummah will split up into seventy-three sects; all of them are in the Fire except one.” Someone asked: “Which is that one O Messenger of Allah?
He ﷺ replied: “Whoever is upon that which I am upon today and my companions. (Abu Dawud, al-Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah)

So from the above references we learn that Allah and His Prophet ﷺ attested for the sahaba and also the early three generations of Muslims (salaf).
This is an indication of their preference, precedence and rank as well as their knowledge of Allah’s laws and intense adherence to following the way of His Messenger ﷺ.


So after we have established this import foundation of following the Qur’an and the authentic sunnah according to the interpretation and understanding of the sahaba and the early generations of Muslims (salaf), Let us now look and see what Allah and His Messenger ﷺ say regarding the muslim rulers.

Allah says; O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. (4:59)

The messenger of Allah ﷺ said;

“Whoever obeys me, obeys Allah, And whoever disobeys me, disobeys Allah. Whoever obeys the ruler, obeys me, and whoever disobeys the ruler, disobeys me.” (Ibn Majah)

“There will appear after me rulers, they will not guide by my guidance, and they will not establish my Sunnah; there will be amongst them men whose hearts will be hearts of devils in the bodies of men!” He was asked: “How should I behave, O Messenger of Allah, if I reach that time?” He replied: “Hear and obey the Amīr (i.e. the ruler), even if he beats your back and [illegally] takes your wealth – hear and obey!” (Sahih Muslim, Book Of Rulership )

Here The Messenger of Allah ﷺ describes 5 characteristics about the leader;

1. They will not guide by the Prophetic guidance
2. They will not establish the Prophetic Sunnah
3. They will have the hearts of devils
4. They will beat their subjects
5. They will illegally take their subjects wealth

After describing these 5 points the messenger of Allah ﷺ orders the Muslims to hear and obey the ruler as long as it does not include disobedience to Allah.


Infallibility is not for anyone except for the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. Rulers are humans and we all make errors and we do not justify any person’s mistakes and errors. Having said that we cannot make the errors of the rulers a reason to publicise them, nor do we supplicate against them or remove ourselves from obeying them, even if they may be oppressive and unjust.

The messenger of Allah ﷺ said;

“He who sees from his ruler something he dislikes, let him be patient with him.” (Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim)

“Whosoever wishes to advise the Ruler, let him not do so openly. Rather he should take him by his hand and take him into seclusion [and advise him]. So if he accepts that from him, then it is in his favour, and if he does not accept, then at least he fulfilled his duty.” (reported by imam ahmad)

It is clear for the person who is sincere in their religion to see that it is not from the methodology of the salaf to criticize the rulers openly in public. Rather it should be done in private in person or by writing a letter and so on.

Sheikh bin Baz (raheemullah) said;

“It is not from the methodology of the Salaf to criticize the rulers from the pulpits, because that would incite chaos, and it would involve not listening and obeying in that which is good. And this would mean becoming engrossed in that which harms and does not benefit. However, the way of advising that the Salaf followed was to write to the ruler, or to convey the advice to the Scholars who would then convey it to him, until he has been directed towards good. So opposing the evil can be done without mentioning the doer. So adultery, intoxicants and interest can be opposed without mentioning the one who is involved in them. And it is enough of an opposition to sins that they be warned against without mentioning that so and so is involved in them, whether it is the ruler, or other than the ruler. (Al-Maʿloom min Wājibil-’Ilāqah baynal-Hākim wal-Mahkoom, pp. 22-33)

The noble sheikh Salih al-Fawzaan (hafidhahullah) said;

“There is no doubt that the rulers, just like people besides them, are not infallible. Advising them is an obligation. However, attacking them in the gatherings and upon the pulpits is considered to be the forbidden form of backbiting. And this evil is greater than that which occurred from the ruler since it is backbiting and because of what results from backbiting such as the sowing of the seeds of discord, causing disunity and affecting the progression of daʿwah (the call to Islām). Hence what is obligatory is to make sure advice reaches the rulers by sound and trustworthy avenues, not by publicizing and causing commotion. And as for reviling the Scholars of this country, that they do not give advice [to the rulers], or that they are being controlled in their affairs, this is a method by which separation between the Scholars, the youth and the society is desired, until it becomes possible for the mischief-maker to sow the seeds of his evil. This is because when evil suspicions are harboured about the Scholars, trust is no longer placed in them and then the chance is available for the biased partisans to spread their poison. And I believe that this thought is actually a schemed plot that has come into this country, and those who are behind it are foreign to this country. It is obligatory upon the Muslims to be cautious of it.” (Al-Ajwibah al-Mufīdah)


Saudi Da'awah: In the name of Allāh, Da'awah is the propagation and circulation of islam. Saudi Arabia is the Known country that is engaged in this duty through out the globe.

Statistics from the cooperative office for Guidance and Community Enlightment (Da'awah) of Saudi Arabia in Al-Rawda have revealed that 4,219 persons have embraced Islam last Year. 1818 are Men and 2401 are Women From 181 Countries.

1- Jeddah Da'awah center: it helps to propagate Islam using various languages such as; English, French, Tagalog, Urdu, Tamil e.t.c

2- Islamic Education Foundation Center: it is located in Jeddah.

3- Darul Dkhir
4- Al-Rabwa Office for Islamic call and guidance.
5- Islamic Cultural Center.

During the reign Of King Fahd (1982-2005) Over $75 billion was spent for Da'awah purposes. 200 Islamic Colleges were established, 210 Centers, 1500 Mosques and 2000 Schools were build across the Globe in Both Muslim majority and Minority Countries.

By 2000, The Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia distributed 138 Million copies of Qur'an world wide.

Yahya Birt a Middle east analyst Counts Spending on 1500 Mosques, 210 Islamic centers and Dozen of Muslim academics and Schools at a cost around $2-3 Billion anually since 1975.

90% Of Saudi Income Was allocated for mainly faith issues, Bless are those people, The Childrem of Muhammad ibn Abdulwahab and Muhammad ibn Saud.

Umm al-Qura'a University: The Mother of World islamic Universities, Having Dozens of Faculties Among Faculty of Creeds, Arabic, Hadith Sciences and Usul Fiqh. There are over 5000 Academic Staffs, KSA spent Over S.R 3.5 billion ( $900 Million ).

There are Over 70 Universities and Colleges of Science and Technology across the Country.

The goodness of KSA is manifested, Our duty is to help them pursue their goal which are:
(1) Unite The Muslim Upon Quran and Sunnah.
(2) Teach Muslims Islam and Sunnah.
(3) Establish peace among Muslim Nations.
(4) Fulfill the Promise of Allāh's apostle.
(5) Fight against Heretics among Shi'ah-Rafidah, Sufis and Kwarijites.

Allāh Subhanahu wata'ala Said: "Invite to the path Of Your Lord With Wisdom and Good Advice" [An-Nahl 16:125].

By Abu-Qasim Muhammad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Haruna As-Salafi.

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